What's there to talk about?
I have a speech impediment (stutter). I've had it as long as I can remember, which wasn't to long ago (j/k) since I was little. Over the years I've dealt with teases and questions. And I've learned to deal with it. During school, I would have kids mimic me. I had some friends not a lot, some people only put up with me because I was friends with their friends. I took forever to say one word. I had people finish my sentences for me, which annoyed me, but I learned to deal with it, and don't mind so much anymore. People would ask me my name and it took me a while to say it, they would ask me, and giggle "did you forget your name?" I became a pro at getting out of doing an oral report. Did it til I was 2nd year college. But when I transferred to another school and I knew I couldn't do it anymore. I think that was one of the hardest things I had to do. I had the fear that I would judged and made fun of. But it didn't turn out that way. No laughs, no giggles, no mimics. I did great! Then a few semesters later I had to take speech, just because I did it that one time doesn't mean I got over the fear of public speaking. I dreaded taking speech, but I did it and it's over with. I got a B in that class. Today, when I talk to friends they can't shut me up! LoL But I like to sing more, I can't sing though LOL When I sing my speech is fluent, no stutter! It's the only time I can feel what it's like not to stutter. I still struggle through my speech but I don't let it take over. |
"D-d-definitely not rain man" |
Just Talk
"I think therefore it hurts" |
"I'm just saying" |
"Did you forget your name?" |